JabberFoX is a Jabber client for Mac OS X and the name stands for "Jabber For OS X".
Jabber is an open source instant messaging system fully based on XML. Thanks to the server-side Jabber Agents, Jabber clients can communicate with users of other instant messaging systems, like AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, or IRC.
JabberFoX is written in Objective-C using Apple's Cocoa API and tries to make full use of Aqua, Apple's cool new user interface system. It aims at implementing all of the standard jabber features including chat, group chat, messages, the roster (buddylist), and agents. Eventually we hope to incorporate all of the features of the Jabber protocol, including browsing, strong encryption and the new conferencing protocol.
JabberFoX is currently being maintained by a small group of volunteers.
New Release: JabberFoX 0.4.1 (March 22, 2002 - Max Horn)
It has been a long time since the last release, but finally, here it is. Many bugs have been squatted, and some nice little features been added, like clickable URLs in messages/chats, or nick name tab completion in GroupChat. There is now also code for SSL support in there, but sadly I had to disable it for this time, since some serious issues make it mostly useless at the moment. But I am working on it, and the next release hopefully won't take as long as this one.
As usual, to see a more complete list of changes and to get this new version, go to the download page.
New Release: JabberFoX 0.4 (November 14, 2001 - Max Horn)
This release features some nice improvements over the last one, including support for formatted messages, and an Event Manager. This manager allows you to let JabberFoX give you some sort of feedback when various things happen. For example, it can play a sound when a contact goes online, or bling the dock icon when you get a new message. To see a more complete list of changes, and to actually get it, visit our download page.
JabberFoX Localization HOWTO (November 7, 2001 - Justin Mecham)
We are currently looking for people to help translate JabberFoX to their native language. We've put together a HOWTO to help you get started. If you're interested in translating, join the developer mailing list and contact Max.
Work in progress (October 18, 2001 - Max Horn)
Just thought I'd let you know what is currently going on:
- XHTML support. This means: formatted messages (i.e. with color/font size/etc.)! Right now you only can send it, not receive it, but that will hopefully change pretty soon
- The Preference dialog got an overhaul and now looks very similiar to the one in Mail.app (with regards to the pane switcher)
- Dirk-Willem van Gulik has generously offered to help out with SSL support. While simply connecting via SSL is not hard (and many clients offer that basic level), true SSL support is much more sophisticated, for example it includes server certificate management. Thanks to him we may have real SSL support soon.
More is to come. Since I can only work on this in my spare time, progress is not as fast as I would like it to be. If you are interested in helping out, feel free to contact me. If you are missing a feature that you really would like to see, check out our feature request tracker, and if your idea is not yet there, please add it.
New Release: JabberFoX 0.3 (October 15, 2001 - Max Horn)
Today a new version of JabberFoX was released! This new release brings many new features and tons of bug fixes. Some new features include account registration, groupchat highlighting and more Finder-like roster editing. More on what was changed and download links can be found on our download page.
New JabberFoX Web Site (October 14, 2001 - Justin Mecham)
I've created a new web site for JabberFoX to coincide with the release of version 0.3. Please let me know what you think.
Copyright © 2001, 2002 Max Horn, Jason Moore - All Rights Reserved - Legal Notice